After tat, ws and me went to clark quay for a Networking Session. It was quite an eye opening occasion for us cos we are able to meet business ppl from IT industry talking about the technology. we tried to explain our SnapToTell application to the ppl but it was quite difficult cos some of the ppl will ask things tt we do not have knowledge on it. Then later, there was a guy from the management of singtel came to our booth and he seem veri interested to join venture with us. That guy was veri friendly, he shared his life experience with us. He say sumthing tt realli impacted me..he said "IQ is not the mot imp thing, to be able to communicate and manage ppl is most impt and that is the EQ". The event ends at 7+pm.
Cg was gd too..It tok abt "Self-esteem" and worship was gd! we sang "who am i",the new woship song. It is a veri anointed song =)
who am i
that you'll know me from the start
set me apart
who am i
that you would place eternity
into my heart
you have given to me
more than this world could give
my purpose is found in you
one life
i lay at your altar
one love
i have with you
touch me again
fill me as you hold
my outstretched hands
one word
you know i will follow
one heart
broken to you
use me again
your mercies follow me
for all my days
in your presence
in your power
holy spirit
i surrender
Later was chatting, hahah then tong told me about someting that i decided to blog... haha evil me =\
"when the going gets tough, the tough goes shopping! says:
hw u noe
die im hungry
juz nw i ate a lot le
i dunno why so fast hungry
i think gotta control a bit le
u noe juz nw my bro (i call him didi) went cg
den he quite bad sae our cgs the girls quite plump
den i sae cuz we got all the gd food
i think must lose weight alr la"
whahaa It is time to slim down girls! lol =X